WP7: On-site integration, calibration & scenario studies
Perform system on-site integration and acceptance tests. Calibrate the digital model to V2, run scenarios.
Description of Work:
Task 7.1: Overall System Integration and Acceptance Tests (All) This task consists in performing the overall system integration and to test it against the test plan elaborated from specifications defined in WP2 and against the expectations of the end-users from the project. The task starts in M19, with the development of the integration, validation and verification plan that will be prepared to guide the field tests. The plan will describe the items to be tested and will also describe the evaluation procedures. The goal is to perform the overall integration of the TwinCity system components in a single platform that provides access to the various tools and supports data exchange.
Task 7.2: Pilot implementation and calibration (NTUA) This task consists of the pilot performance assessment according to the scenarios that have been defined in WP2 and will follow the iterative integration procedure. First tests will run from M30 (time of delivery of the V1 version) until M33. The main activity will be testing the impact and recovery of the pilot area to historical disruption scenarios, mainly leveraging data from the recent COVID-19 quarantine and subsequent staged re-opening of businesses to match and calibrate the predictions of the CDT.
Task 7.3: Development of scenarios and evaluation of mitigation strategies (NTUA) The CDT will subjected to a range of climate and non-climate hazard scenarios to assess the impact and the mitigation of different hazards on assets in the pilot area, including (a) direct impacts, i.e., structural damage, casualties, direct financial losses, environmental consequences, societal, psychological issues), and (b) indirect impacts related to business continuity, loss of tourism and the availability and quality of service. The overall goal is to assess the threats of climate and seismic hazard, model the effects of different adaptation strategies, and ultimately prioritize any rehabilitation actions to best allocate funds in both pre- and post-event environments, while accounting for the effect of externalities (inadequate funding or policies) on recovery speed. The overall results will inform the employment of physical, organizational and financial tools to support resilience.