WP1: Project Coordination, Management & Dissemination


Account for all activities at the project management level aiming to ensure that all the objectives will be achieved and the appropriate links with the EC will be established. Create and enhance project visibility and its most important outputs to pave the way for wide-spread acceptance and implementation of the results, while respecting security/confidentiality matters with regard to sensitive project outcomes.

Description of Work:

Task 1.1: Project administration, financial coordination & planning (NTUA) This task includes the following activities: Preparation of midterm and final technical reports, Project financial statements, Organization of consortium meetings, Presentation of consortium towards relevant external entities, Ensuring the communication between partners at all levels, Maintenance of the internal data repository, Management of intellectual property.

Task 1.2: Technical & risk management (NTUA) NTUA will coordinate the team’s technical efforts and outputs. Technical activities of the WPs will be monitored in accordance with the task leaders. The aim is to comply with technical milestones, intermediate outputs and eventually project objectives. Deadlines and technical objectives will be respected, and particularly technical critical issues will be given particular attention. Technical management tele-meetings will be held every month to assess the degree of completion of work, including technical results and deliverable preparation. Timely awareness of and reaction to potential problems will be crucial for risk management effectiveness.

Task 1.3: Dissemination & communication activities (NTUA) A set of dissemination and communication tools will be developed, comprising the following key elements: A Project website with an open area for general information and news about the project and a repository of its public outcomes, complemented by a restricted internal area for safe exchange of documents and information between the partners, Online and web-based dissemination tools: social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter) will be used to reach different stakeholder groups, publications in open-access platforms and journals and presentations at conferences and multiplier events.